The face may be a reflection of the condition of the body as a whole. In Chinese medicine a person's health condition can be seen of his face. How?
Chinese Medicine reveals that the face as the window's internal health and to see what happens in a person's body such as the condition of the stomach, heart and mind of hormones can be reflected from his face.
Chinese Medicine reveals that the face as the window's internal health and to see what happens in a person's body such as the condition of the stomach, heart and mind of hormones can be reflected from his face.
The face condition could indicate a person's health condition.
Forehead is generally associated with the spirit, mind, heart and small intestine. This corresponds with the element 'fire'.
These changes can occur:
Forehead is generally associated with the spirit, mind, heart and small intestine. This corresponds with the element 'fire'.
These changes can occur:
- Forehead redness and discoloration of the small blood vessels, showed some heart problems.
- Skin pale forehead, showed extreme emotional as losing a loved one
- Any wrinkles between the eyebrows, showed much feeling worried
- End of the eyebrow is not visible, indicating a thyroid disorder
- There is a bluish-green hue on the forehead, suggesting a combination of symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath and heart palpitations
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