Friday, July 12, 2013

How to Reduce Oil In Hair

How to reduce the oil on your hair with ingredients easily available, how to reduce excess oil on the hair as a form of hair care in addressing the problem of greasy hair. Matter of course, can lead to oily hair hair look flat and looks shabby. Beside that also the excess oil on your hair condition can lead to dust and dirt easily sticks to the hair which could trigger dandruff.

How to Reduce Oil In HairOily hair problems caused by the body producing too much oil in providing natural moisture. Factors affecting the body produces excess oil can be due to an unhealthy lifestyle, eating some foods that cause oil, high stress even oily hair can be caused by interference with the scalp cells.

Oil contained in the head which basically serves as a natural moisturizer if interference occurs on the scalp will surely lead to abnormal sebum on the scalp. Sebum is a form of natural conditioner that is produced by the body to keep hair strong and shiny look.

To overcome the excess oil in the hair following ways to reduce oil on the hair that you can do in daily hair care at home with ease.

Use a shampoo and conditioner specifically for oily hair. Use a separate shampoo and conditioner on your hair, use a shampoo when shampooing should be aimed at the scalp when using conditioner only and you should avoid wearing enough scalp conditioner on the ends of your hair.

Use baking soda mixed with shampoo when you wash, use baking soda done this 2 times a month can reduce excess oil on the hair gradually.

Prevent Stress and tackle well, stress is one not normally cause the body to produce oil. The stress level is high enough you will easily scalp to produce excess oil. Tackle stress as well as possible, do regular exercise or yoga techniques you can do to overcome your stress.

Powder, the powder can be used as a way to overcome that contained excess oil on the scalp and hair. Using baby powder sprinkled on the scalp can tackle excess oil which is a fast way to tackle excess oil in the hair. Once the scalp sprinkle with baby powder then you can flatten it until the end of the hair using a comb. To note here at reducing oil on the hair by using a powder is you have to be diligent to prevent hair wash powder buildup on the scalp. Piled the powder is mixed with oil and sweat on your scalp dandruff will certainly make it easier.

Give extra nutrients to your hair by using natural ingredients to overcome the excess oil on your hair and scalp. You can reduce the oil on your hair using lime or a squeeze of lemon on the scalp and hair. This method is quite effective in dealing with excess oil on your hair.

Note the ingredients in shampoos used when shampooing, such as sulfate content in shampoos can reduce excess oil on your hair and scalp. Although it has little of the shampoo manufacturer who still uses the sulfate material, but it turns out the usefulness of the sulfate can clean the hair and remove excess oil on your hair while maintaining natural moisture to the hair itself.

Prevent and cope with hair limp and oily

Limp and oily hair is very annoying because it spoils the appearance. Hair drooping wilting, dull, and looks far from attractive. Largely due to heredity. Therefore, genes control the size and shape of the hair follicle. Smooth hair that has internal structure is slimmer than coarse hair. As a result, hair becomes less volume. "Each hair follicle has at least one oil glands attached to it. The less surface area means more oil to cover it up, make the hair becomes limp, "said David Kingsley, Ph.D., hair and scalp specialist in New York.

Daily care
To overcome this, wash your hair every day to rinse the excess oil or sebum. Instead, use a special shampoo for oily hair that is free of silicone oil and dimethicone. The materials are intended for dry or damaged hair, and leave the residue layer covering the cuticle.

In addition, use conditioner sparingly. Apply conditioner from the middle to the ends of hair strands. Avoid the base of the hair and scalp. In addition, also avoid bathing with warm water. Therefore, hot water aggravate the scalp and cause the sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

Hair styling products
For styling your hair, choose products volumizing spray and lotions that add hair volume so as not to look flat. This lightweight product line the hair strand by strand and make it appear thicker.

In addition, use a dry shampoo to absorb the excess oil in the hair in an emergency. For example, when you do not have time to wash it, but must perform excellent. Spray dry shampoo on the scalp, leave on for a while, then comb as usual. If terpepet, could also use baby powder is sprinkled into the scalp. Just make sure you do not leave white stains on the hair afterwards.

For hairstyle, try a long bob (lob) with soft layers around the face. Increase the volume is the key. So, leave hairstyles long as it hung limp and attached to the scalp. Consider for a haircut along the chin or on the shoulders.

Ask the hairdresser to cut the back hair of equal length and add side bangs, or providing a soft layer that frames the face.

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